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149082 | Jackson Chamanenga

Before I became a Christian, my life was quite bad. I was doing many sinful things, and I was a serious drunk. One day, I went to a church meeting to watch a Christian film. It was about the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. After that film, I felt like I was the one who was crucifying Christ. I decided to ask Jesus for His forgiveness and to come into my life as my Savior. It was after this that my life belonged to the Lord. I thank Him for saving me and forgiving me of my sins. I am now happy and have joy in my life.

I felt God’s calling after I saw how people were living in sin. The desire to make known the plan of salvation grew and grew within my heart. I prayed to the Lord for some time, desiring to know what He wanted me to do. I began going doing ministry with other men and learned how to preach and share my faith. Through this, God gave my heart great joy. Today I am still in the ministry, and God is using me to lead many to salvation.

ID #149082 | Jackson Chamanenga


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