August / September 2023 AIU Newsletter
August / September 2023 Newsletter
Training Africa’s Next Generation of Spiritual Leaders
Prison Ministry Outreach
AIU students make an impact for Christ among Lusaka’s prison population.
We see the Lord working through Ambassador International University to impact our nation in mighty ways for Christ. By serving the infirmed, the forgotten, and the imprisoned, AIU students are blessing many people within our surrounding communities while also gaining practical ministry experience.
Most recently, just months before graduation, our senior class visited a prison in Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka. There, they shared their testimonies with the prisoners, pointing them to the freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ. The prisoners greeted the students with eagerness and a yearning for an encouraging word that could change their lives and future. Through their interaction, many prisoners confessed the errors of their ways and a desire to repent.
This prison ministry outreach proved faith-building for both the students as well as to those being ministered to. Despite the obvious gap in life circumstances between the students and prisoners, their interaction was like that of equals. In fact, by the time they were to say goodbye, the occasion felt more like a long overdue family gathering!
Such experiences are immensely valuable to the maturity and formation of AIU students as they grow in their understanding and sensitivity to the needs of people throughout society. In our commitment to raising Africa’s Next Generation of Spiritual Leaders, we are careful not to overlook the misfortune of others, knowing that Christ often works through such circumstances to bring the lost and needy to Himself.
Reflecting on his experience, one student had this to say:
“It was a great honor and privilege to visit the Lusaka prison, my first such experience. Through this ministry my fellow seniors and I had an opportunity to share the Gospel, offering support and encouragement to the prisoners. Moreover, this allowed us to gain practical prison ministry experience along with the many other ways we are being equipped at AIU. It was amazing for me to fellowship with prisoners as they worshipped our God to a degree which many people with freedom fail to do.”
According to another student,
“Prison ministry is an important aspect of a pastor’s experience. AIU recognizes the need for students to engage in such outreach, as it is an excellent opportunity for students to serve those who are often overlooked by society. Students see firsthand the impact of incarceration on individuals and communities, learn about the criminal justice system from different perspectives, and share the Gospel with the forgotten and neglected. During visitation, we provided emotional support, spiritual guidance, and practical assistance that can help inmates prepare for their release and reintegration into society. For these reasons, I see this ministry as essential both in my life and in that of other students. ”
Expanding our Academic Capacity
Scholarly Research in Focus
We are committed to seeking the Lord’s wisdom to grow AIU as a premier institution that glorifies Him both spiritually and academically. In doing so we want to foster a keen desire among our students and staff to conduct scholarly research. In late July, Dr. Benjamin Browning, our Director of Graduate Studies and Research led a two-day conference on our campus focused specifically on the topic of research, complete with research presentations from our AIU faculty and students.
Thoughtful and challenging, the conference successfully instilled a hunger amongst attendees to learn more about research as a topic. It showed them practical ways to directly apply research for academic purposes as well as in the daily function of AIU. In the words of one student attendee,
“The research conference opened new doors for me into the world of research, inspiring me to develop academic research pursuits which I have desired to do since arriving as a student at AIU. I learned so much by observing the participants present their research topics followed by the thoughtful comments by the judges’ panel. I was challenged to think and reason as an academic scholar, and I pray for the opportunity to participate in the next research conference.”
Human Resource Manager
Raised in Lusaka’s central business district, Elias Kasongo graduated from AIU in 2018. After graduation, Elias was retained on staff at AIU as both IT Administrative Assistant and Legal Compliance Expert at the Chifundo Clinic. He served in these roles from 2018 until May of this year. During this time, he pursued his diploma in Business Administration, successfully graduating from that program in 2021.
Elias is a qualified human resource practitioner trained through the Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management. While also currently serving as part of the AIU Master’s class on Distance Learning, Elias was promoted to the office of the Human Resource Manager of AIU in May 2023. In this role he is responsible for establishing and reinforcing Human Resource policies, managing AIU staff contracts and employee relations, recruitment, training, and development, as well as other major responsibilities pertaining to the quality of AIU’s staff.
Elias has always loved managerial work. When asked about his current role replied,
I desire to thrive in this department while developing my managerial skills. My job has a great impact on our campus while helping AIU maintain its good standing and reputation with the government of Zambia. I also enjoy seeing effectiveness and professionalism implemented at AIU. This role has also enhanced my ability to perform multiple tasks well and communicate effectively.”
Elias desires to help Gospelink maintain compliance as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in the Republic of Zambia while ensuring employee success and satisfaction at AIU. Please pray with Elias that the Lord will guide him to wisely manage the Human Resources department at AIU.
Isaac is a 2023 Freshman at AIU. Born into a family with three brothers and two sisters, Isaac was raised in Petauke, Eastern Zambia. While his family professed to be Christian, and as a young boy he enjoyed attending church, Isaac did not understand for a long time what it meant to be saved from sin. In 2016, while attending a church service, the Lord used the message to convict Isaac of his sin and his need of Christ’s saving grace as proclaimed through the Gospel. Since then, Isaac’s desire to learn the Word of God and preach it to others has continued to grow.
Isaac considers it an answer to prayer and a huge blessing to attend AIU. In his own words, Isaac said,
“Since I arrived here in January, I have learned so much about God’s word through the theological courses. Through my studies I have been introduced to tools for studying the Bible and to the art of interpreting the Bible in proper context. I am always eager to understand the word of God and I am looking forward to learning even more.”
As the only member of his family to attend tertiary education, Isaac is thankful to AIU, to his sponsors, and to everyone else who has contributed to his wellbeing. Pray with Isaac that the Lord’s wisdom and strength would increase in his life and that he would finish his studies well.
2023 Senior Graduation is just around the corner!
On October 21, 2023, AIU’s thirteenth graduating class consisting of 26 men, 23 residential students, and three distance learning students representing both Zambia and Malawi, will walk to the podium to receive theology diplomas.
Our 2023 Seniors have worked very hard and are grateful for what they have learned over the last four years. The impact of AIU on their personal lives over the last four years has been formative spiritually and academically. Having been equipped to effectively preach God’s Word, they are eager to advance His kingdom in their own countries and wherever the Lord leads them.
At this year’s graduation, we expect a varied guest attendance, including high-ranking government officials, numerous partners from Gospelink, representatives from Zambian theological universities, local church leaders, as well as many members of the public. AIU’s administrative staff is so thankful to each sponsor, teacher, and partner for the sacrifices they have made toward the successful graduation of these students.